Implementation notes: x86, kizomba, crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2

Computer: kizomba
Architecture: x86
CPU ID: GenuineIntel-000906e9-bfebfbff
SUPERCOP version: 20181216
Operation: crypto_aead
Primitive: omdsha256k128n96tau64v2
TimeImplementationCompilerBenchmark dateSUPERCOP version
197474refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
197736refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
213530refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
214758refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
214937refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
217345refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
218320refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
218736refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
219229refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
219974refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
220272refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
220329refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
220567refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
220600refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
221208refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
221361refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
221584refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
226266refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
226461refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
226732refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
228098refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
229108refgcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
229186refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
230959refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
231135refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
232141refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
232407refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
232980refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
233131refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
233204refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
233370refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
233377refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
234333refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
235457refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
235968refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
240811refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
242119refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
242821refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
243192refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
243970refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
244270refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
245230refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
245595refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
247480refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
247688refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
247822refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
248296refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
248719refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
249619refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
250137refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
251284refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
251292refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
251528refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
251671refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
251850refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
252912refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
253365refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
253644refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
254887refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
255829refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
255887refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
256402refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
256782refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
256940refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
257155refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
257268refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
257593refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258042refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258181refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258927refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259028refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259157refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259268refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259357refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259379refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259429refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259446refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259576refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259651refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259909refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259972refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259981refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260018refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260045refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260055refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260332refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260337refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260379refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260500refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260818refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
261111refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
261151refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
261661refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
261731refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
262863refgcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
262978refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
264000refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
264978refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
265291refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
265369refgcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
265369refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
267847refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
268696refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
268758refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
269406refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
269718refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
269925refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
270252refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
270732refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271462refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271528refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271853refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271875refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272065refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272131refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272365refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272398refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272446refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272516refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272663refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272965refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273135refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273145refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273278refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273867refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273909refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274000refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274053refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274055refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274159refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274240refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274379refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274738refgcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274750refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274842refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275034refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275168refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275488refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275520refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275808refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275821refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275867refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275884refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275887refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276042refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276083refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276107refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276244refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276260refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276347refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276397refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276460refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276486refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276625refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276756refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276798refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
277136refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
277631refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
277971refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
278419refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
279943refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
280411refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
280873refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
280888refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
281023refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
281342refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
282151refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
283215refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
283407refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
283902refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
284133refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
284411refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
285183refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
285407refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
292543refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
292635refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmOJ6J2.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw751na.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIoBhA8.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb3zyQJ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLgWwmb.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsW5fGX.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4BzfaH.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRFN7u.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXxwZEG.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciwofvy.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQPQ4oj.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckvTkvw.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ2KpFl.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVHBqO.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7K23KX.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKFQtpe.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JySZ3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBHS5.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMSgWXT.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywAZPg.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7dpuy.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn95YHK.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitsZKO.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqoqmJx.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCfxmLa.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccScU35q.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYnPeno.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclpwwl6.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4FaDwU.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrhwNTL.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5WnKOR.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSJ0KlO.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8L1jB.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebqmLq.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSMkELl.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclx75kH.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6D6K2.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchWhAPf.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHwhKT7.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGeuU7.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccLFF50.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqQsGSW.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLW8yhP.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYC3z0a.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc186AUK.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch62Ibo.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJNZNx.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfIoEwN.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccALXMQ7.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5YRKe.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQr3Iid.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciuhlKV.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX0g4W2.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgcJ8dw.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaNlfGI.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsD8pf4.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8JlhzB.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN5AQaG.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHVyxQ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqL9QXw.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW92kUl.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwSMFr4.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYgMeJy.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZhRk25.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEVMTSM.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchC3spM.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrE3cM.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnGesTn.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHDBWHW.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUlrVyv.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4nVIg.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct14Dlz.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYyubEw.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrXkDGg.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLwkZPz.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOpPg3g.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xmvI8.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOuE13L.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWl3qKY.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjQ9Rcb.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGSAp4v.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdsCjaA.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT2QEFq.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZyiVlM.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKo8wnZ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsS8rLb.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca3qfuf.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu6Awo3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNgP1t7.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoH7nn2.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYs0pQd.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDRjaP.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfkCAK.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfILkD.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNFMeZG.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIdYvO.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN65KuJ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckZ5mYz.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPRrPMk.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckOt0iQ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSS7FLs.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTOYmCb.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuzbmp.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwWBJli.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN6CaoW.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxTsuGU.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGVC2eO.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPj4mNb.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci2WGFp.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmELHcF.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3vuTHE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Rswmu.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sRkoc.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceCnNWk.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfp2bIr.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczKH1l1.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccW3YU9X.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5oVbB.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQH4IS.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkduQU.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKArwuT.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSBHXgM.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc68ENk8.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyax5CF.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccavqICp.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjV9Lvn.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYutZAn.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdM40p.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGsvo.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5w77m.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceEpLga.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclmIviv.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VnHf0.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccckUV1Y.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdl3F3.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6oQ9T.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3iKigM.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQpqj0U.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQbtl2D.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci3QYuZ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRdBoSc.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTzniyw.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fVtxk.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgVhLLA.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6Q5jXE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch98Y7C.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnARox.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAEd2E.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiNckx.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnOMIK5.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAwTZfx.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchj8KW5.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gcxWQ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0Zrct.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3XI1Au.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwftAD5.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEFF8h.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckefBPr.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5fyETC.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwwiEfQ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9bzED3.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCq78G.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc99huTX.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct35eSw.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXkiXN.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY81bE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5VJnS3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL6Um2T.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2aHaF6.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS8SjxK.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCZAqhe.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccI48wWI.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4u0mJ1.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyOBeAg.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNPGaCE.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWjMfl.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6UUFVV.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy04wLr.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLjzx3W.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyWj1oC.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdymxkZ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctWciDK.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGwLwfn.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmiOK5a.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIudxQy.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTRMK3P.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCtwa9D.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOrKWUk.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3d513Z.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMiTTeX.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIqHR1l.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZzkP9g.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIRRMX1.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct4gvJv.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5NDAuV.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccw41cTl.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6iGh77.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl0Xach.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOdAXXl.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccikK36y.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9Pi6UI.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfAhrDo.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8krdBC.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxemRdc.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVF5lVt.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchgWo5h.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCFyKR.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMRv2C.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIa27T1.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOZS6iq.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccevkqF5.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqKoKzB.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVmVi8i.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci8qp6w.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGC8tlM.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccam1OmH.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE4TJgD.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEulU4j.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRuh9ET.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgHTyUs.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5HhQXR.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuWWfcz.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq6rDt1.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyhsERW.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0PyO7g.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq4GEqm.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPd7s2.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccioL5Lo.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHD1svo.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccntCgmb.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbM0guO.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck6soe5.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUqiR2w.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccduMAHF.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRO0HJo.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccx9LEHN.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFQKcXI.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXLopNu.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFBFUu1.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuIUa19.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKDistm.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVUiEoK.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ljnGw.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccebXMzO.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEsN9vQ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvnpxwG.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1faNNi.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cci9lXY3.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL9ddB0.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSCbAYG.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8GElEJ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbspr6.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAr8k59.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpNyuWR.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFUprVg.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUTw0w.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3WmCd.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwqkJDo.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB2P4s4.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFJuQTt.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKpoiMz.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvq0Ton.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc00alaY.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBfTyK.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrsH4ki.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwLl1dD.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHydB8E.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOYOFzg.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccABUKDE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJznhGr.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbnUPZS.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceMGNoa.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIGXi1N.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck9fmhf.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoy6g2c.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctaldWF.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJFhnyO.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYm10l8.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNxQo2o.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczPwZWc.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9fyUDd.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchkye6W.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEuVH4h.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGleUNQ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPlTnF9.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczNyFql.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5gz5ep.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca4af4M.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWxepsA.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZO0tmB.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB5JBnU.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrSYTql.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbuwvPB.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciCDvIO.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi2KoR.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjOoQCf.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYNeo6.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs4E5Pi.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccD8C0iZ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccRWHHp.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2cAOU3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwps0xg.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZgZ3K.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC9SgsC.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vRBmQ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjxNOF.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFiIbCq.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxm2bw2.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUluXoS.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm1fsqK.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7sMuYi.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRwLTzf.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasFURX.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjfKFr5.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUv96Jf.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoJBPAP.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUFwec.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifHP22.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOh04YH.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczZOhid.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccasXSRk.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccds9CGi.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc095OYz.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccrcev4.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Yv9Yr.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctn6NBi.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDCTDLE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLPpiv0.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNEkn4V.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccO4DN5S.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KGRHD.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfrLhy0.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5K5E01.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchrfigP.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccE662Hs.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccogW2hx.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTyIJv.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm5AzUv.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc15erKE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccocWjGe.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSYHvUz.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckLk46i.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2q2T85.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Svdj1.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7JislJ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctf1OPZ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFdOMOB.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvYVsh4.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclDkKLN.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmDRN4.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccVXbEd.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsXGUYw.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1