Implementation notes: x86, kizomba, crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1

Computer: kizomba
Architecture: x86
CPU ID: GenuineIntel-000906e9-bfebfbff
SUPERCOP version: 20181216
Operation: crypto_aead
Primitive: omdsha256k128n96tau64v1
TimeImplementationCompilerBenchmark dateSUPERCOP version
196066refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
196353refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
212984refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
214399refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
217242refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
217405refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
218252refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
218352refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
218462refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
218585refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
218607refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
220142refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
220165refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
220307refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
221129refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
221639refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
221677refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
224418refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
224583refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
224962refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
225310refgcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
226028refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
228539refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
228706refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
230472refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
230532refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
230576refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
230839refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
230925refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
231221refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
232246refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
232282refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
232431refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
234722refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
235322refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
236828refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
238559refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
238982refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
239407refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
240494refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
241205refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
241445refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
242413refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
242705refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
246865refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
247339refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
247442refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
247990refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
248371refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
248599refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
249554refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
249918refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
250179refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
251628refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
251735refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
252017refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
252260refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
253173refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
253750refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
254549refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
254780refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
254935refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
255048refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
256528refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
257279refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
257284refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
257639refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258018refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258295refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258518refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258671refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258684refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258811refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258829refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
258869refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259153refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259274refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259395refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259468refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259536refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259542refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259674refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
259742refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260020refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260069refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260296refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260836refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260954refgcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
260954refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
261089refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
261123refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
261135refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
261415refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
261731refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
262345refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
262409refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
262643refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
262701refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
262772refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
263331refgcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
264351refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
265133refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
269371refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
269581refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
269678refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
269762refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
270302refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
270708refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
270926refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
270932refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271056refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271246refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271300refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271351refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271409refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271768refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271777refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
271928refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272084refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272106refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272313refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272603refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
272854refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273218refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273280refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273510refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273595refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273597refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273831refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273895refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
273907refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274211refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274754refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274782refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274822refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274846refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274915refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
274941refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275002refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275095refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275167refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275322refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275482refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275593refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275598refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275703refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
275867refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276019refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276083refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276278refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276371refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276527refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276588refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276633refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276738refgcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276768refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
276978refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
277450refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
277766refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
277994refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
278849refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
281152refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
281236refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
281254refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
281314refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
281415refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
281480refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
282481refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
282879refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
283766refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
283807refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
283921refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
284445refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
285300refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
290345refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818
290395refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018082420180818

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWY1PDo.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceHqsOu.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6aliUt.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccy7Eg5x.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVdSAWp.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsmZtCE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc08n9NB.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOfRpa9.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchvdLj7.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxf2wGW.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceumK06.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgF27Y2.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKMjZkS.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgx2506.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJbtYTc.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyr2xbH.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLlRhcI.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnTtg8X.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Lb9bZ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVBxLnU.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1Zl7FF.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4C639Q.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3A3Ej3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJByKsH.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFLVaZo.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf1a5Tf.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYJzJll.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck4l7pw.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZ3DvPn.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchoTg0W.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU5upS2.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqTy1eI.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBaarms.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccREhfAC.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc29Fqvz.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctfZT1K.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceERLCy.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctId3Xb.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccifaoa1.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl6w7Um.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRRjxCE.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaG5wRx.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZeDgcG.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccickllz.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc7q7Ro.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczlxvFB.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccACDhs8.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCEQH7I.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2C6qGR.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgABuaK.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1JZHT.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvHJXsV.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxKfbJ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqLsGHS.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLi5kio.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMEqsnR.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9GvN9j.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccimE1pp.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAw4Gro.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyXalri.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccC5Qow5.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFRYnio.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUzZPpo.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclrf2T0.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUGZSue.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclWn59g.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lu1Wm.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccssPJYf.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9VTCTp.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA5NQ6d.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTdmP4O.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctUMnni.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZCHC4c.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq1Qu26.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDhgPE6.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFVqoJe.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNsu3R.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfzKPfc.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTHkDA2.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTeAxSK.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8XWWdk.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJphsdp.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4220pw.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczRgddt.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwvXvGa.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyqSfui.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCOBVSA.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv95SH2.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnwoai9.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp6WyLU.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJTQlm.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccm0mU84.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWgLb26.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsOkPyI.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQKdMXN.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch1XW4t.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpJOphr.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpZwm6E.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT5cjdH.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU3MKFK.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnuTdUo.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoeHM3C.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLKgbMU.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjIeICl.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT8WYeE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVo1GQ0.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZNphBY.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckXPuL3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3HTljE.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZnvcmS.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc78eb6q.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrkPBT6.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1VgeWb.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyyaWKX.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAdTk4c.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccruIz7e.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEZFTb1.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctILBIc.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgqyXVO.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxfzo1f.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYbkIAE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbCFroK.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEObT3Y.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxJP7f3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjjdPA.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHkS7AW.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJA6VZv.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN95xx9.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMPif00.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoInpPn.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTMdOOw.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceaYOkv.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc43J2J8.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg2ZhHv.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnseuiG.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvl0md6.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLkCqtz.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnzjzgE.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWfIIXQ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbkxjLB.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMUiIet.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP2BZpI.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5GKgWG.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccusE1sn.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHCEl2x.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccc9O9Lx.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS1RNdj.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceefB88.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceYvaP3.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8XCc9.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnMEM8r.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr3U1Us.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5o0eR0.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7yqAxF.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWi8P2j.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr0dcE5.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSaT9Yb.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj0gSVl.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYDD70z.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf7kFRE.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHbxER3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTXG9W7.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEhp8SN.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIgAiA.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU6ySsv.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4t4wG.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4Tjg5T.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxFaQRT.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJI44Ts.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclMl9iw.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeSOd2.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjA2PXZ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck5Xl0N.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclzqsg9.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8r8Mos.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYvEtKr.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGFJiEr.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdEpR19.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4knIzP.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH7XnKG.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWTqz8V.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrwJ7hD.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCBVUtd.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOj7uV7.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudXtig.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwly7in.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGvCyaR.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccig3Hi2.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclNP7GM.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrEM6nK.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmfp71.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqVAB7d.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc55cFez.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTJ3nbz.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSkyN5j.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchqBku0.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCxvRPU.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWttKn5.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPLFBSc.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9Zklt.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPdBLnS.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyBqtTK.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4GT8Ho.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdf4Kvz.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHEB62e.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNm34Wj.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4N5G7y.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc63BOMw.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNYr9QN.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaN8oiP.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8DsVBm.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8ikG3k.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNIPh2k.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwQhtud.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5XPEmF.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwYs8LD.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWCuje0.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf851o1.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2ZKkMz.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8av68z.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbX7YuF.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnmgLxv.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1rJv54.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv2Wt2L.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMq7vKD.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUicilQ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIFoh9Q.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWYpg5L.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHxVAjY.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccygwIfJ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8gx5VO.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb4GNXg.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWcStD0.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaqTfbY.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUrKGWW.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckwKyh1.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSZlypW.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUo0Qh5.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVk3mdc.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctQ0Hox.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMjzBZf.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWd5V9y.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfO3cwB.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpHdQsM.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64vLE4.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrRZwSA.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRIb0D4.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfNFc7.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgTGLGx.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccr1amzJ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfRfpDZ.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccitxoGV.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3i7c3R.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdQwog6.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6ZonVj.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctXTgek.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJ4R3xd.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceICHrl.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccb0jb5m.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl9MRls.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc64paLs.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8KIAXC.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6InWtJ.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8AoRVT.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccESxJ90.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIbMBp7.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2RWV8o.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8Mdnjt.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3xl0lm.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKiKjcC.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2r9JPW.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceOjmNW.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0lTbzt.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccsuwFg.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccM6d5wV.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWWsLgY.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccT3djJR.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxKgjJT.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7XPNp7.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA2wSua.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIN5xC2.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBAIgV.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBcMDc8.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqiEJ6d.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNYf68.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZXzgIl.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmwF4x.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVbExRy.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5iPGJC.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwhY3Zy.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIvLcuK.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvoJNfD.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLfP5r1.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMcbKrB.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchFJAJ3.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyuOxoh.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6QgUu.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclfEDRv.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cce17xFA.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudQjwp.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV714vk.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckUO7pE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccljKeVM.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczFmErX.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBjuAUU.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIf9GxX.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY5299V.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvfYaC6.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgUi9ze.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrDtqJY.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGmDAIf.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjYcMIs.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8fZnj2.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc98MVI9.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKbg5N6.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxMqyVl.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0KL3Au.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnmG36.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHfsgWO.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclsWFSA.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9ZKFNf.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBeWPbu.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAMUV8w.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclKUx0t.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjT9jmr.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnNLTOP.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDrRgI.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU4B1p1.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1KoPIk.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfc77o8.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVZEHAl.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuCmn04.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYFjeId.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsA0SZj.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFN2RcP.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaY2m0m.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJEBHE.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPp61vO.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAi6NoP.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdtzh3y.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchLJ8ZU.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxrqLgG.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNbSNY5.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOij2Xc.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj2bH9J.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnPziSX.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVFgbj2.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYysA5W.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWnfeUk.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuAUYiY.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:45: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:49: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:52: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:55: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:58: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:62: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXjxbiw.s:65: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau64v1/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:16: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:19: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:32: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:41: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:42: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:46: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:48: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:51: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:54: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:56: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:60: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbOk0Yg.s:64: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1