Implementation notes: amd64, panther, crypto_core/multsntrup1013

Computer: panther
Microarchitecture: amd64; Tiger Lake (806c1)
Architecture: amd64
CPU ID: GenuineIntel-000806c1-00-bfebfbff
SUPERCOP version: 20240625
Operation: crypto_core
Primitive: multsntrup1013
TimeObject sizeTest sizeImplementationCompilerBenchmark dateSUPERCOP version
1650823454 0 038397 828 952avx800clang_-march=native_-O2_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
1662823918 0 038877 828 952avx800clang_-march=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
1676523782 0 038725 828 952avxclang_-march=native_-O2_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
1683320552 0 032347 820 920avx800clang_-march=native_-Os_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
1711620728 0 032515 820 920avxclang_-march=native_-Os_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
1792121989 0 036656 780 984avx800gcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
1795024246 0 039205 828 952avxclang_-march=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
1849922405 0 037072 780 984avxgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2244719965 0 031199 764 952avx800gcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-Os_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2296420868 0 033520 780 984avx800gcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O2_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2316421257 0 032859 820 920avx800clang_-march=native_-O_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2319820684 0 031919 764 952avxgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-Os_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2345121284 0 033936 780 984avxgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O2_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2566120608 0 032743 772 984avx800gcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2612121107 0 033239 772 984avxgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
7989031310 0 042947 820 920avxclang_-march=native_-O_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2065975055 0 019384 780 984refgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
3907872215 0 016797 828 952refclang_-march=native_-O2_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
3991542999 0 017597 828 952refclang_-march=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
7143142405 0 016365 828 920refclang_-mcpu=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2124868576 0 012163 820 920refclang_-march=native_-O_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2127263612 0 012840 780 984refgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O2_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
21346201340 0 012755 820 920refclang_-march=native_-Os_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2229368537 0 012279 772 984refgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625
2510236460 0 011263 764 952refgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-Os_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024062620240625

Compiler output

mult1024.c: mult1024.c:307:7: error: always_inline function '_mm256_set1_epi16' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx_constbranchindex' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
mult1024.c:   x = const_x16(0);
mult1024.c:       ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:10:19: note: expanded from macro 'const_x16'
mult1024.c: #define const_x16 _mm256_set1_epi16
mult1024.c:                   ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:307:7: error: AVX vector return of type '__m256i' (vector of 4 'long long' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:10:19: note: expanded from macro 'const_x16'
mult1024.c: #define const_x16 _mm256_set1_epi16
mult1024.c:                   ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:308:36: error: always_inline function '_mm256_storeu_si256' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx_constbranchindex' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
mult1024.c:   for (i = p&~15;i < 1024;i += 16) store_x16(&f[i],x);
mult1024.c:                                    ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:9:24: note: expanded from macro 'store_x16'
mult1024.c: #define store_x16(p,v) _mm256_storeu_si256((int16x16 *) (p),(v))
mult1024.c:                        ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:308:36: error: AVX vector argument of type '__m256i' (vector of 4 'long long' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:9:24: note: expanded from macro 'store_x16'
mult1024.c: #define store_x16(p,v) _mm256_storeu_si256((int16x16 *) (p),(v))
mult1024.c:                        ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:309:36: error: always_inline function '_mm256_storeu_si256' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx_constbranchindex' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
mult1024.c:   for (i = p&~15;i < 1024;i += 16) store_x16(&g[i],x);
mult1024.c:                                    ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:9:24: note: expanded from macro 'store_x16'
mult1024.c: #define store_x16(p,v) _mm256_storeu_si256((int16x16 *) (p),(v))
mult1024.c: ...

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
avxclang -mcpu=native -O3 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)

Compiler output

mult1024.c: mult1024.c:307:7: error: always_inline function '_mm256_set1_epi16' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx800_constbranchindex' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
mult1024.c:   x = const_x16(0);
mult1024.c:       ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:10:19: note: expanded from macro 'const_x16'
mult1024.c: #define const_x16 _mm256_set1_epi16
mult1024.c:                   ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:307:7: error: AVX vector return of type '__m256i' (vector of 4 'long long' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:10:19: note: expanded from macro 'const_x16'
mult1024.c: #define const_x16 _mm256_set1_epi16
mult1024.c:                   ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:308:36: error: always_inline function '_mm256_storeu_si256' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx800_constbranchindex' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
mult1024.c:   for (i = p&~15;i < 1024;i += 16) store_x16(&f[i],x);
mult1024.c:                                    ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:9:24: note: expanded from macro 'store_x16'
mult1024.c: #define store_x16(p,v) _mm256_storeu_si256((int16x16 *) (p),(v))
mult1024.c:                        ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:308:36: error: AVX vector argument of type '__m256i' (vector of 4 'long long' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:9:24: note: expanded from macro 'store_x16'
mult1024.c: #define store_x16(p,v) _mm256_storeu_si256((int16x16 *) (p),(v))
mult1024.c:                        ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:309:36: error: always_inline function '_mm256_storeu_si256' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx800_constbranchindex' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
mult1024.c:   for (i = p&~15;i < 1024;i += 16) store_x16(&g[i],x);
mult1024.c:                                    ^
mult1024.c: mult1024.c:9:24: note: expanded from macro 'store_x16'
mult1024.c: #define store_x16(p,v) _mm256_storeu_si256((int16x16 *) (p),(v))
mult1024.c: ...

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
avx800clang -mcpu=native -O3 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x402370
   at 0x...: st32 (try-anything.c:47)
   by 0x...: core (try-anything.c:78)
   by 0x...: salsa20 (try-anything.c:89)
   by 0x...: canary (try-anything.c:148)
   by 0x...: output_prepare (try-anything.c:178)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:99)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 3, namely:
avxclang -march=native -O2 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)
avx800clang -march=native -O2 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)
refclang -march=native -O2 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x402E8F
   at 0x...: crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx_constbranchindex (mult1024.c:321)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:106)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
avxclang -march=native -O3 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x401DC2
   at 0x...: core (try-anything.c:73)
   by 0x...: salsa20 (try-anything.c:89)
   by 0x...: canary (try-anything.c:148)
   by 0x...: output_prepare (try-anything.c:178)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:99)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 3, namely:
avxclang -march=native -Os -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)
avx800clang -march=native -Os -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)
refclang -march=native -Os -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x10A009
   at 0x...: salsa20.part.0 (try-anything.c:102)
   by 0x...: salsa20 (try-anything.c:85)
   by 0x...: canary (try-anything.c:148)
   by 0x...: input_prepare (try-anything.c:163)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:100)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 3, namely:
avxgcc -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)
avx800gcc -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)
refgcc -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x109EAA
   at 0x...: st32 (try-anything.c:47)
   by 0x...: core (try-anything.c:78)
   by 0x...: salsa20.part.0 (try-anything.c:89)
   by 0x...: salsa20 (try-anything.c:85)
   by 0x...: canary (try-anything.c:148)
   by 0x...: output_prepare (try-anything.c:178)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:99)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 3, namely:
avxgcc -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)
avx800gcc -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)
refgcc -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x10B1B4
   at 0x...: _mm256_add_epi16 (avx2intrin.h:114)
   by 0x...: add_x16 (ntt.c:446)
   by 0x...: ntt512 (ntt.c:999)
   by 0x...: crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx_constbranchindex_ntt512_7681 (ntt.c:1553)
   by 0x...: mult1024 (mult1024.c:166)
   by 0x...: crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx_constbranchindex (mult1024.c:324)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:106)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
avxgcc -march=native -mtune=native -O -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x10AB8A
   at 0x...: _mm256_sub_epi16 (avx2intrin.h:810)
   by 0x...: sub_x16 (ntt.c:451)
   by 0x...: ntt512 (ntt.c:985)
   by 0x...: mult1024 (mult1024.c:166)
   by 0x...: crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx_constbranchindex (mult1024.c:324)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:106)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
avxgcc -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x402E8F
   at 0x...: crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx800_constbranchindex (mult1024.c:321)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:106)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
avx800clang -march=native -O3 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x10A6FF
   at 0x...: _mm256_mulhrs_epi16 (avx2intrin.h:533)
   by 0x...: squeeze_7681_x16 (mult1024.c:25)
   by 0x...: mult1024 (mult1024.c:169)
   by 0x...: crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx800_constbranchindex (mult1024.c:324)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:106)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
avx800gcc -march=native -mtune=native -O -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x10A451
   at 0x...: _mm256_loadu_si256 (avxintrin.h:922)
   by 0x...: mult1024 (mult1024.c:171)
   by 0x...: crypto_core_multsntrup1013_avx800_constbranchindex (mult1024.c:324)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:106)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
avx800gcc -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)

TIMECOP error (can be valgrind bug)

Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
 Illegal opcode at address 0x402DC4
   at 0x...: crypto_core_multsntrup1013_ref_constbranchindex (mult.c:33)
   by 0x...: test (try.c:106)
   by 0x...: main (try-anything.c:345)

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
refclang -march=native -O3 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)


TIMECOP iterations: 1

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 6, namely:
avxclang -march=native -O -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)
avx800clang -march=native -O -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)
refclang -march=native -O -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)
refclang -mcpu=native -O3 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Debian_Clang_11.0.1)
refgcc -march=native -mtune=native -O -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)
refgcc -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (10.2.1_20210110)