Implementation notes: amd64, h6sandy, crypto_kem/lac192

Computer: h6sandy
Microarchitecture: amd64; Sandy Bridge (206a7)
Architecture: amd64
CPU ID: GenuineIntel-000206a7-bfebfbff
SUPERCOP version: 20240625
Operation: crypto_kem
Primitive: lac192
TimeObject sizeTest sizeImplementationCompilerBenchmark dateSUPERCOP version
208932228109 18600 30043918 19540 1984T:optclang_-mcpu=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
236273031328 18600 30048502 19540 1984T:optclang_-march=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
236795125030 18600 30040796 19532 1984T:optclang_-march=native_-O2_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
236795317706 18600 30032110 19524 1984T:optclang_-march=native_-Os_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
278472127412 18624 32443044 19540 2048T:optgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
303873220454 18624 32434932 19540 2048T:optgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
310284816684 18624 32430460 19532 2016T:optgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-Os_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
336852018961 18600 30033740 19532 1984T:optclang_-march=native_-O_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
499028226348 0 6041732 908 1792T:refgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
530595316737 0 6030918 916 1728T:refclang_-march=native_-Os_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
561063827205 0 6042798 932 1728T:refclang_-mcpu=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
959546730203 0 6047142 932 1728T:refclang_-march=native_-O3_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
984768824193 0 6039756 924 1728T:refclang_-march=native_-O2_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
1138748317280 0 6031860 924 1728T:refclang_-march=native_-O_-fwrapv_-Qunused-arguments_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
1147526019260 0 6033548 908 1792T:refgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
1191656819559 0 6034412 908 1792T:refgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-O2_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625
1267599915640 0 6029220 900 1760T:refgcc_-march=native_-mtune=native_-Os_-fwrapv_-fPIC_-fPIE_-gdwarf-4_-Wall2024070420240625

Checksum failure


Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
T:optgcc -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (11.4.0)

Compiler output

bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:108:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_maddubs_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(tmp0, tmp1);
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:109:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_add_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp2 = _mm256_add_epi16(tmp2, tmp0);
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:113:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_maddubs_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(tmp0, tmp1);
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:114:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_add_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp2 = _mm256_add_epi16(tmp2, tmp0);
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:118:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_maddubs_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(tmp0, tmp1);
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:119:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_add_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp2 = _mm256_add_epi16(tmp2, tmp0);
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:123:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_maddubs_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(tmp0, tmp1);
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:124:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_add_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp2 = _mm256_add_epi16(tmp2, tmp0);
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:127:10: error: always_inline function '_mm256_madd_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c: ...

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 4, namely:
T:avx2clang -march=native -O2 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Ubuntu_Clang_14.0.0)
T:avx2clang -march=native -O3 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Ubuntu_Clang_14.0.0)
T:avx2clang -march=native -O -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Ubuntu_Clang_14.0.0)
T:avx2clang -march=native -Os -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Ubuntu_Clang_14.0.0)

Compiler output

bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:91:10: error: always_inline function '_mm256_set_epi16' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
bin-lwe.c:         tmp_one=_mm256_set_epi16(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);
bin-lwe.c:                 ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:91:10: error: AVX vector return of type '__m256i' (vector of 4 'long long' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:103:9: error: always_inline function '_mm256_setzero_si256' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
bin-lwe.c:                 tmp2 =_mm256_setzero_si256();
bin-lwe.c:                       ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:103:9: error: AVX vector return of type '__m256i' (vector of 4 'long long' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:106:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_loadu_si256' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i *)(v_p+j));
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:106:11: error: AVX vector return of type '__m256i' (vector of 4 'long long' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:107:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_loadu_si256' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i *)(s+j));
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:107:11: error: AVX vector return of type '__m256i' (vector of 4 'long long' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:108:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_maddubs_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(tmp0, tmp1);
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:108:11: error: AVX vector argument of type '__m256i' (vector of 4 'long long' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:109:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_add_epi16' requires target feature 'avx2', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx2'
bin-lwe.c:                         tmp2 = _mm256_add_epi16(tmp2, tmp0);
bin-lwe.c:                                ^
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:109:11: error: AVX vector argument of type '__m256i' (vector of 4 'long long' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:111:11: error: always_inline function '_mm256_loadu_si256' requires target feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'poly_mul' that is compiled without support for 'avx'
bin-lwe.c: ...

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 1, namely:
T:avx2clang -mcpu=native -O3 -fwrapv -Qunused-arguments -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (Ubuntu_Clang_14.0.0)

Compiler output

bin-lwe.c: In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/include/immintrin.h:47,
bin-lwe.c:                  from bin-lwe.c:1:
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c: In function 'poly_mul':
bin-lwe.c: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/include/avx2intrin.h:112:1: error: inlining failed in call to 'always_inline' '_mm256_add_epi16': target specific option mismatch
bin-lwe.c:   112 | _mm256_add_epi16 (__m256i __A, __m256i __B)
bin-lwe.c:       | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:124:32: note: called from here
bin-lwe.c:   124 |                         tmp2 = _mm256_add_epi16(tmp2, tmp0);
bin-lwe.c:       |                                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
bin-lwe.c: In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/include/immintrin.h:47,
bin-lwe.c:                  from bin-lwe.c:1:
bin-lwe.c: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/include/avx2intrin.h:333:1: error: inlining failed in call to 'always_inline' '_mm256_maddubs_epi16': target specific option mismatch
bin-lwe.c:   333 | _mm256_maddubs_epi16 (__m256i __X, __m256i __Y)
bin-lwe.c:       | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:123:32: note: called from here
bin-lwe.c:   123 |                         tmp0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(tmp0, tmp1);
bin-lwe.c:       |                                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
bin-lwe.c: In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/include/immintrin.h:47,
bin-lwe.c:                  from bin-lwe.c:1:
bin-lwe.c: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/include/avx2intrin.h:112:1: error: inlining failed in call to 'always_inline' '_mm256_add_epi16': target specific option mismatch
bin-lwe.c:   112 | _mm256_add_epi16 (__m256i __A, __m256i __B)
bin-lwe.c:       | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
bin-lwe.c: bin-lwe.c:119:32: note: called from here
bin-lwe.c:   119 |                         tmp2 = _mm256_add_epi16(tmp2, tmp0);
bin-lwe.c:       |                                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
bin-lwe.c: ...

Number of similar (implementation,compiler) pairs: 4, namely:
T:avx2gcc -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (11.4.0)
T:avx2gcc -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (11.4.0)
T:avx2gcc -march=native -mtune=native -O -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (11.4.0)
T:avx2gcc -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fwrapv -fPIC -fPIE -gdwarf-4 -Wall (11.4.0)