Implementation notes: x86, rumba7, crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2

Computer: rumba7
Architecture: x86
CPU ID: AuthenticAMD-00800f11-178bfbff
SUPERCOP version: 20171218
Operation: crypto_aead
Primitive: omdsha256k128n96tau96v2
TimeImplementationCompilerBenchmark dateSUPERCOP version
195840refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
196530refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
206370refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
206400refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
206790refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
207540refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
208680refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
209190refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
209220refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
209970refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
210420refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
210450refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
210450refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
210720refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
211530refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
212130refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
213180refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
214860refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
215190refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
215640refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
219420refgcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
219720refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
220020refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
222600refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
223950refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
225840refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
230460refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
231750refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
232620refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
232650refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
232890refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
233490refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
233640refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
233670refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
234870refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
236430refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
236700refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
237030refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
237210refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
238230refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
238530refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
238560refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
239820refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
242550refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
243240refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
243690refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
243780refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
243930refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
244140refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
244740refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
245100refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
248730refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
249330refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
249660refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
250170refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
250170refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
251550refgcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
251580refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
251910refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
253740refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
253830refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
253920refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
254130refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
254760refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
255030refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
255150refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
255690refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
255720refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
255720refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
255870refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
256050refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
256140refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
256260refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
256440refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
256680refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
256890refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
257160refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
257280refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
258150refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
258330refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
258840refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
261750refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
261930refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
262080refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
262170refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
262920refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
263580refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
263610refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
264210refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
264540refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
266310refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
266460refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
267150refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
267420refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
268530refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
269280refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
269490refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
270420refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
271320refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
272760refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
272880refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
272970refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
273030refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
273420refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
273510refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
273540refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
273570refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
275400refgcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
275430refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
275580refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
276960refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
277230refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
277470refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
277470refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
278010refgcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
278130refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
278250refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
278520refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
279810refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
279990refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
281430refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
282780refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
283020refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
284580refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
284670refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
284730refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
284940refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
285030refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
286620refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
287580refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
291300refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
292440refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
293160refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
301080refgcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
302430refgcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
302580refgcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
302910refgcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
303030refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
303330refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
303330refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
303450refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
303510refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
303600refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
303990refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
304020refgcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
304050refgcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
304170refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
304260refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
304710refgcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
304950refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
305640refgcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
305670refgcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
306330refgcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
306750refgcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
306810refgcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
306930refgcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
307020refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
307380refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
307800refgcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
308160refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
308700refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
308940refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
309300refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
309300refgcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
309390refgcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
309420refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
309510refgcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
309630refgcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
309630refgcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
310380refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
311880refgcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
312210refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
312330refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
312540refgcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
312720refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218
357570refgcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer2018052620171218

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciZKMcJ.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnweKi9.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckoWibf.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnSDm3E.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXPVtnm.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctx7zgW.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccKeNfwu.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZdfcKU.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXTRGqM.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccq2uyXk.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0cMVlp.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchR2Pm0.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccF202sZ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGjGNrz.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3PKqTx.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxlxRIe.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRhn0bB.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczDqYvY.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIP2wSg.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckK4IjG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSIDhDQ.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctGRgZc.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRjnvXI.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmYJnZt.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWs3N9q.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp2jmM4.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0QXQyH.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp8Vd28.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1X8pRh.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsMrByF.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAT4XCb.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSXF89W.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLNNCsC.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceqYoRf.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccj39Us8.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckkwz0T.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0vuadt.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccptD1RQ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV2tNRn.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnfjBj1.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ZHgY9.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpPeCPw.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1ortB2.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccufpGAD.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCwjrWD.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciN3Nao.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHjsZVR.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVCUT7g.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7IA0rl.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZfwAWA.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvILrXO.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczh1F7d.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvQQfqP.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccywvmPn.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRfcNh3.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNRxvt.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHAY1wY.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmztmok.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8RwqiR.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXWggas.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN2ilLz.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfQjXQc.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWvurnG.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccgLXlN5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHgBTLX.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrNkuGx.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaeZPTa.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqk8mNt.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc97zFLK.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl1ivTa.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc154xfJ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR8Aj7i.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckJU2XM.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsLIoS8.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccYJBaH.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjDBsts.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccURNus2.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciLiJmo.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCaELlU.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMXnLly.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvdnPrm.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwtPciN.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccInrUtj.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfD0GjS.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp3qHiT.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuMQBgE.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6vSLKx.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDDcDN7.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7s1K9Y.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbE9sNC.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchIc5kv.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmF7FP8.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLcu5VP.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccapsPm5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCRf19n.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctv0NNK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVxOFKN.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceo9Z4e.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2vvtGv.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCWHJ5R.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1gCCB5.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYWjW6r.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBkGhw0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccyF5l1K.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWNy8eZ.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceSo7iq.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpgrAgH.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccuDb8tW.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMBKXBD.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMJiX2g.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWigmZb.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciEOMNK.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccf9HeYB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrVogNa.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL26NLG.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrF3CW7.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFaB4YO.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPnyANs.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9LUFhn.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPt2FrW.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIdRI0p.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsGAFKN.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0H2pkY.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cccpaPHj.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccS2H9K5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaoTtvE.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSUqeNc.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciXEHkz.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5cqiaO.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxE8GD3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEgLOyG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfojAek.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5g6sGg.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGZchmU.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCVMofW.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn5XlBz.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSNDo1x.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs73q1M.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccurYrS3.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczW3eKu.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWqJCm1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX5tF5E.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH5U9dJ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYNvcci.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -funroll-loops -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDA5JHb.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrKcOuH.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0ItOeF.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrCwkpd.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfGshwU.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvNIi7q.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOWHW7W.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctT8ZMs.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2EUlft.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB26vYZ.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0wvwIH.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMGGrh0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMMAYiG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrZSFWh.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4zBWHe.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl2jWzL.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=athlon -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciOL9tO.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrlPpij.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5yt12t.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYLL9j1.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVRGdW3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch6qj6A.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDNB2Xz.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQ9sXKg.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=barcelona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEqMWOP.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccagBqOx.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccB9WGDx.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs74Ai6.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdDQDaG.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccs0o7H7.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2PWZyk.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccddfr6M.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx-i -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccEImlLO.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczMI76m.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccege35l.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cch4kPyU.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBnQO6V.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHeYomB.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceN0kAB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccn7get7.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core-avx2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJK3q9U.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccQhPqho.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDSr4zt.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmh1dfU.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBdt1ua.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccofA2KC.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0mEGJ8.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbUkcHG.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA9IWC6.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMojqHz.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccARnER5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIfUtcF.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUK0S6l.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDSIVG.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2BMqbk.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsbM4bS.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZbnDqi.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqe977D.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc9xkSHQ.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxOCOdh.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccGcUctp.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsKfIAS.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNNNPX4.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNOuwIv.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=core2 -msse4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccV9FAl1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWeoMUy.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cct0hccJ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctDGMKg.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccH3JXaj.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccamPNGQ.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTl8C6v.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchH6RRL.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7-avx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFn4e0c.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvC5ivK.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccp9mArs.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrW9KYI.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4EHk2.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cctEZTdr.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc79ShWu.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7nAWjX.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=corei7 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWbDtok.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZZSWdT.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMW0NsR.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciV16Dr.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccL62WD7.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpzf5Fq.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccA4zmV5.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccka3ZPF.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc40Bzbn.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclGBrw4.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAYtTIC.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXncWA2.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc0BPFNb.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccizeECB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccN8yT3P.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccbLBNGf.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=i486 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5f5B6O.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccX6zNH6.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4UZJyJ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cclF3HRk.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc4yyj0U.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAiRtJj.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nWL9R.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXhPXxA.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSQUdYh.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg6TgxO.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccIL5bJN.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgkKhw.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2woA2u.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccaxcGv6.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccRnhhML.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccg5aCq3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6-3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc6D8YHD.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccXgBAqV.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfEpoy.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cceAYWE9.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFjytN9.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwCBdKQ.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSfbv9o.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwBdTLM.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k6 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccirxRzb.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccl4I6oD.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccBfM7Fb.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccY1yxuH.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc2a79tK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOzOdpt.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1nIBTp.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccWMYAXW.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=k8 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3Vln4Z.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSzQL0u.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckrTkQt.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccleVvX8.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccMkgbMM.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoFycwf.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccelPDKL.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsAkteh.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=native -mtune=native -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNaPN9r.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnrax1Q.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP0bI7X.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccPg9RYm.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc1zLYEG.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccYq2KhY.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccHKMYhB.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccrIbTCd.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=nocona -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccAojaF3.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfT7T7w.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccoEQsL0.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxWeF2I.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDWZhCL.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu9IF7i.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTW5tQ0.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cca5OSef.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-m -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc8VmOOK.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu55Bck.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc3jfeTg.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7MZZqZ.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccOik7jZ.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cckql0yz.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjny84u.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccsDeeE5.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR5jpw7.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccTEwnUG.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFuIVRd.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cco4GsgD.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccd4SzgW.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccudo1Dd.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccZB70PS.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccfqdRls.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccFAb3mS.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccu3da46.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccR1HSTl.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccnAxBLO.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccSdv3To.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccv8nQP7.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccP4Zf93.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cchdt5ID.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium3 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc82JvQ3.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdO1Zoi.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccmxY3rx.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccpDCof1.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5Dhjv7.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczeiJjA.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwJddjP.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccxYTdQ3.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium4 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccvhsOG8.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccz689ny.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccCdYjuc.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cck7FhcO.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc5rC82N.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccltFxmo.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccknyOm1.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cczo7NNj.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentium -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciM046V.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccjhGAnv.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cciY5F9r.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccwbqzVa.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccDJQa3K.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqmyODa.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccLDOGQg.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccqhw5AH.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=pentiumpro -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVOundf.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccdGAneF.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/cc7D1fbc.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccU9rWzU.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccNUO3XW.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer avx1

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccVvhhyt.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -O -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/sse4
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:13: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:16: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:21: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:23: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:30: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:39: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:40: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:43: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:44: Error: operand size mismatch for `paddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `movdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:48: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:51: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:54: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:57: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:61: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccJXdgP1.s:64: Error: ambiguous operand size for `ror'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer sse4

Compiler output

Implementation: crypto_aead/omdsha256k128n96tau96v2/avx1
Compiler: gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s: Assembler messages:
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:14: Error: ambiguous operand size for `sub'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:15: Error: ambiguous operand size for `shl'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:17: Error: too many memory references for `add'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:18: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:22: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:24: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:25: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:26: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:27: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:28: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:29: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:31: Error: too many memory references for `lea'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:40: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:41: Error: ambiguous operand size for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:44: Error: too many memory references for `vpaddd'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:45: Error: too many memory references for `vmovdqa'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:47: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:50: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:52: Error: too many memory references for `mov'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:53: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:55: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:59: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:62: Error: too many memory references for `shld'
encrypt.c: /tmp/ccUsqmHq.s:63: Error: too many memory references for `xor'
encrypt.c: ...

Number of similar (compiler,implementation) pairs: 1, namely:
gcc -m32 -march=prescott -Os -fomit-frame-pointer avx1